Friday 25 August 2017

Water Pollution World Big issue

                         WATER ISSUE
"Water is foundation of life"
Now a Days safe and clean water is big issue all over the world our surface contain 70 percent
of water but in my point of view above 80 percent people bear lace of safe and clean water.
·          Only 0.5% of the world's water resources are available to provide for the freshwater needs of our planet's ecosystem and population. Water is not distributed evenly around the globe. Less than 10 countries possess 60% of the world's available freshwater supply.
·         1.8 billion people(1) still lack access to fresh water supply and 2.5 billion people need improved sanitation. Since 1940 the world's water use has quadrupled whilst the world's population has only doubled.
·         In 60% of the European cities with more than 100,000 people, groundwater is being used much faster than it can be replenished. At the same time, aging water networks systems waste more than 40% of water supply through leaks and cracks.

Billions of people daily going to home just search of water.

many developed countries face lack of water 
in Pakistan 16 million people in Pakistan have no choice but to drink dirty water
  • An estimated 250,000 children in Pakistan under the age of 5 years die every year due to water borne diseases.
  • Water borne diseases are causing Pakistan’s economy $1.3 billion dollars every year.Contaminated water is one of the biggest sources in the spread of diseases.
  • Four fifths of all illnesses are caused by water borne diseases with diarrhea being the leading cause of death in children.
  • Water borne diseases like Cholera, Typhoid, Hepatitis A & E and Diarrhea are widespread in the country. Not only backward rural areas face this menace but the people in congested urban centers also suffer from water borne diseases.
  • WHO reports that 25%-30% of all hospital admissions are connected to water borne bacterial and parasitic conditions with 60% of infant deaths caused by water borne infections.


India has the world's highest number of people without access to clean water—imposing a major financial burden for some of the country's poorest people, according to a report released Tuesday.
The international charity Water Aid says 75.8 million Indians—or 5 percent of the country's 1.25 billion population—are forced to either buy water at high rates or use supplies that are contaminated with sewage or chemicals. That accounts for more than a tenth of the 650 million people worldwide without clean water access—more than any single country in Africa or China, where 63 million have no access.


Water pollution has become a growing concern over the last century as more and more waste is being disposed of in our oceans, rivers and lakes.This increase in pollution is harming our food supplies, drinking water and environment.It is also creating issues in the oceans ecosystem and hurting the animals and plant life that rely on the ocean and rivers for their survival.

Solution of water pollution 
solution is very easy if every body know that to keep water clean his duty than it is possible to availability of clean and healthy water

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water pollution world big issue